Hi, I’m Julie. On this site you can find my links, projects, articles, or contact me!
Some random facts about me:
- I grew up around Lausanne, Vaud in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
- As of the time of writing, I am 27 years old.
- I am a woman and I use she/her pronouns, or more generally the feminine grammatical gender when applicable.
- I graduated EPFL with a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity. My Thesis is available here.
- I currently work at ChainSecurity.
- I first learned to program in 2009 with Apprendre à programmer avec Python by Gérard Swinnen.
- I have been using NixOS Linux since 2019 and have contributed to Nixpkgs.
- I type on a TEK 227 mechanical keyboard with aftermarket Kailh red switches.
- I play capture-the-flag competitions with polygl0ts and 0rganizers.
- I founded West Ham Defence Audit Group, a blockchain security firm.
- Baby Jubjub is a cryptographic construction, namely a zkSNARK-friendly elliptic curve defined in ERC-2494.
- My avatar is a photo of my rainbow fish plushie at Insomni’hack CTF 2023.
- The Bibliothèque nationale de France will safeguard a snapshot of this website for future generations.